Quote of the Week

On our blog, we share our Quote of the Week as well as other insights about our work and about our community. As our society continues to struggle with some of the same issues that Sargent Shriver focused on -- poverty, racism, inequality, war -- we believe it's important to share our stories with each other. Do you have a story to share about Sargent Shriver or about one of the issues he cared about? Share your story with us by emailing it to info@sargentshriver.org. Maybe we'll post it here!

Fri Dec 15 06:00:00 EST 2023 Fri Dec 15 06:00:00 EST 2023

A "lifeboat in a sea of stars"

by Sargent Shriver Peace Institute

"The world is one lifeboat in a sea of stars; there is no cause for joy if our end is sound while the other end is sinking."Sargent Shriver | Los Angeles, CA | March 17, 1975 Our Quote of the Week uses a powerful metaphor to remind us of our interconnectedness and to spark an...


Fri Dec 08 06:00:00 EST 2023 Fri Dec 08 06:00:00 EST 2023

Sargent Shriver on "Getting More"

by Sargent Shriver Peace Institute

"You'll get more happiness and contentment out of counting your friends than counting your dollars. You'll get more satisfaction from having improved your neighborhood, your town, your state, your country, and your fellow human beings than you'll ever get from your muscles, your figure, your...


Fri Dec 01 14:10:08 EST 2023 Fri Dec 01 14:10:08 EST 2023

"Health is basic to everything"

by Sargent Shriver Peace Institute

"Health is basic to everything. Health is one of the surest guarantees of 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.'"Sargent Shriver | Los Angeles, CA | September 16, 1967Our Quote of the Week underlines the central role that good health plays in our ability to pursue the...


Fri Nov 24 06:00:00 EST 2023 Fri Nov 24 06:00:00 EST 2023

Change the World by Reaching Within

by Sargent Shriver Peace Institute

"If like a scientist you will take the raw materials of your mind and your body and process them through the laboratory of humility, prayer and neighborly love, the result will be a second explosion heard 'round the world. You will be raised into a life of overwhelming love, great peace, and...


Fri Nov 17 16:05:59 EST 2023 Fri Nov 17 16:05:59 EST 2023


by Sargent Shriver Peace Institute

"Prosperity, like justice, liberates creativity. It gives hope and incentive. Men can raise their families decently and plan for the future. Prosperity with justice creates harmony between nations and removes the causes of war."Sargent Shriver | November 1, 1972Our Quote of the Week...


Fri Nov 10 06:00:00 EST 2023 Fri Nov 10 06:00:00 EST 2023

"Scholars are needed as much as saints"

by Sargent Shriver Peace Institute

"I suggest we commence the long, hard task -- where scholars are needed as much as saints -- of lifting ourselves from 'the pursuit of happiness' to an additional and new level of political thought and moral vigor: to 'the pursuit of holiness'... So it will take a thousand years for human...


Fri Nov 03 06:06:00 EDT 2023 Fri Nov 03 06:06:00 EDT 2023

"Seize Every Opportunity" to Eliminate Polarization

by Sargent Shriver Peace Institute

"Here at home there is an unease and a fear that drives the public debates and our public policies in ways that divide us one from one another. Elections are run by those who seek so-called wedge issues that prey on misinformation and demonization of the opposition. We hear that illegal...


Fri Oct 27 06:00:00 EDT 2023 Fri Oct 27 06:00:00 EDT 2023

"A foreign policy that represents what is best in us"

""We must have a foreign policy that represents what is best in us and in our history. We must be what we say we are. A democratic foreign policy must reflect these values -- faith in the people, willingness to sponsor change, and a commitment to openness and constitutional procedure....